Comments by Dr Marks

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我が家のアフリカン・アイリス(African Iris)

 My friends, thank you for taking the time to identify this flower!
 This is an uninvited flower, i.e., a kind of voluntary flower (seeds?) from somewhere to my front garden and backyard by winds or birds. Uninvited but a beautiful flower! Whatever the reasons for coming to see me, I appreciated "her" presence (^^). After your quick responses and helpful hints, I have surveyed some flower and plant books on the Internet.
 As a result of my humble research, I have concluded that this is surely an "iris." So did many of you!
 According to the Internet information, California is a famous land of "iris," which has so many varieties in the world; and, especially, they call various kinds of iris grown in the land of California "Californian iris" or "Pacific Coast iris." But I couldn't find out the exact flower type in the list of Californian irises. All of a sudden, however, I noticed an image which is very similar to my iris.
 It's called Not Californian but "African" iris. Yes, this is African iris!!!

